Shelter and Transitional Housing
Here at The Warrior’s Refuge, we provide transitional housing through the VA GPD and TIP programs. The goal of our transitional housing is to give our veterans a chance to reset, recharge and rebuild their lives to end the pattern of homelessness. We come alongside them, working with them in-house to work through substance abuse, mental health, and other barriers that stand in their way of living a healthy thriving productive life. Upon arrival, veterans undergo the intake process, where they are assigned their room, assigned their case manager, and get a tour. Once settled in they meet with their case manager and then start working towards developing an individual service plan. Along with their case managers, utilizing many resources veterans work their plan and the program to leave the refuge into permanent housing and financial stability. While housed at the refuge veterans receive the following services:
- Individualized case management
- Mental health and substance abuse counseling
- Benefits Assistance
- Personal management
- And more…
Veteran's Benefits
The myriad of benefits available through the VA can be difficult to discover and to navigate. We help the veteran get the most of the VA benefit programs that are available to them. They range from:
- Service Connected Disability Claims
- Pension
- VA Health Care
- GI Bill
- Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment
- HUD-Vash
- And More!
Veteran's Programs
We partner with many veteran service organizations and work hard to pair veterans with needed programs and resources. We believe in providing veterans with a toolbox that has as many tools as possible to aid in improving their life. We do this through extensive networking and partnerships with government, community, and private partners.

Veteran's Benefits
The myriad of benefits available through the VA can be difficult to discover and to navigate. We help the veteran get the most of the VA benefit programs that are available to them. They range from:
- Service Connected Disability Claims
- Pension
- VA Health Care
- GI Bill
- Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment
- HUD-Vash
- And More!
Veteran's Programs
We partner with many veteran service organizations and work hard to pair veterans with needed programs and resources. We believe in providing veterans with a toolbox that has as many tools as possible to aid in improving their life. We do this through extensive networking and partnerships with government, community, and private partners.

Mental Health
The Warrior’s Refuge offers clinical mental health counseling. Our team consists of licensed professional counselors, certified peer support specialists, and other dedicated team members that provided the following services:
- Individual and group counseling
- Peer support groups
- Cognitive classes
- Equine psychotherapy and soft skill development
- PTSD specific services
Through the Texas Veterans Family Alliance grant, we can provide counseling services to veterans and their families, whether they reside with us or not. For more information contact us for intake and eligibility.
Chemical Dependency
Veterans battling substance abuse are provided with in-house licensed chemical dependency counselors and various treatment and sobriety programs including:
- Narcotics Anonymous
- Alcoholic anonymous
- Celebrate Recovery
- Individual and group counseling sessions
- Chemical dependency classes
We offer job assistance, training, and placement assistance through our Warrior Empowerment Project. Through the Department of Labor’s Homeless Veteran Reintegration grant, we can provide our veterans with a full spectrum of services related to gaining employment. Our employment case managers work with the clients to develop an individual employment plan, to better provide the veteran a better chance at gaining and retaining employment. The Warrior Empowerment Project provides the following services.
- Personalized Case Management
- Job-driven training and placement
- Job search assistance and training
- Resume Building
- Interview Coaching
- Skills and technical training
- Education enrollment
- Benefit assistance
- and many more…

We offer job assistance, training, and placement assistance through our Warrior Empowerment Project. Through the Department of Labor’s Homeless Veteran Reintegration grant, we can provide our veterans with a full spectrum of services related to gaining employment. Our employment case managers work with the clients to develop an individual employment plan, to better provide the veteran a better chance at gaining and retaining employment. The Warrior Empowerment Project provides the following services.
- Personalized Case Management
- Job-driven training and placement
- Job search assistance and training
- Resume Building
- Interview Coaching
- Skills and technical training
- Education enrollment
- Benefit assistance
- and many more…